Does my baby REALLY need a Helmet?

This can be a hard thing to determine and is really best addressed through a consultation. They are some hard numbers that indicate whether a helmet is recommended and generally speaking, a helmet is indicated if...

Cranial Asymmetry is greater than 10mm and/or cephalic index is above 90%.

However... the measurements are only one part of the picture. These numbers are a linear measurement but we are treating a 3-dimensional head shape.

Some families choose to proceed with treatment even when results are mild to moderate because they have cosmetic concerns and know their son will end up with a buzz cut like dad.

There are also times when families just don’t feel comfortable with the treatment and that is okay too. We can always provide stretches, exercises, and a recommendation for therapy if that has not been implemented yet.

We will always offer a follow-up free of charge to monitor progress.

Regardless of the treatment chosen, it is always best to utilize your resources early when it comes to head shape.

Many people argue that the head shape will get better on its own, however, I offer that this "self-correction" is often not enough to obtain a "normal" head shape. The plagiocephaly will get less noticeable, but once a baby starts rolling (typically around 4 months) the head shape maintains its overall contours.

Please take advantage of our free consultation. I promise you, it will be guilt-free, pressure-free and you will leave with the knowledge and tools to make the decision that is right for your family.


How Should a Helmet Fit?


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