Hello and Welcome!


Hello and Welcome!

I don’t even know how to begin... Hello and Welcome and THANK YOU for checking us out. I am reminded of a poem that my grandmother shared with me….

Within your heart, Keep one still, secret spot, where dreams may go.
And sheltered so, may thrive and grow--- where doubt and fear are not.
Oh keep a place apart, within your heart, for little dreams to go. -Louise Driscoll

This company was a small little idea that took home in the back of my mind for many years. It sat idle for so long that it is hard to believe it is finally taking real form.

I am excited to serve those around me and help you through this journey that may.. or may not… lead to a cranial remolding helmet or custom protective helmet. I am committed to the education, prevention and treatment of cranial deformities and am so excited to see where this dream is going to take me and who I will be lucky enough to meet along the way.


Does my baby REALLY need a Helmet?


Our Helmet Process